Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Life-long learning

So I've come to believe that there are two kinds of people in the world (along with all the other two-kinds-of-people in the world there are...): Those who ARE life-long learners, and those who pretty much learned all they need in school, thank-you-very-much. One of the perks of working at the library--most of us are in that first category.
As far as the 7.5 habits, probably the hardest part for me is #1--Have a Goal. Not that I'm not goal-oriented, I actually am. The problem is this indicates a PLAN, which involves, well...planning. Which involves thinking about it, which involves taking the time to think about it. Ho hum. I tend to be a go-with-the-flow type, so really hate getting bogged (or should I say blogged?) down in the planning stage. Hmmm.
View problems as challenges? (Snort!) Are you kidding? I view problems as problems...and wish they'd go away. Okay, yes. To be a successful life-long-learner, I could use an attitude adjustment. All right...from this day forth, I shall attempt to view problems as challenges.
Positive things about this life-long-learner? I like to learn. I have a good attitude about learning new things, once I get past the this-makes-me-nervous stage. I DO have confidence in myself as a learner, so, with such positive self-talk, I should do well!
Blog on!

1 comment:

talkytina said...

I like your attitude and relate to what you are saying. I also like the way you say it.