Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Interesting. Not being a teenager and not having anything to sell, I haven't made the venture into either of these social networking worlds. So after reading all the required/suggested materials, I decided to check out FVRL's MySpace account. Congratulations, Jen! This is great. I'm not so far removed from those years (though some would argue with me) that I don't remember what it felt like to be that age. I'd think any kid who wondered into the site would have a good time and would (we hope!) be further pulled into the library world and activities of FVRL.
Right now, this is the kind of use I can see libraraies making of such things as MySpace and FaceBook. Traditionally, I've been kind of "old school" in terms of library use--"what's wrong with BOOKS, anyway???" But I can see the value in keeping cutting-edge in the world we live in. If the library isn't going to stay on top of those things, who is? I'm still concerned that we could turn into an internet cafe, but as long as we keep our priorities straight(!) and don't forget about BOOKS, I think we'll do okay.

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