Wednesday, April 16, 2008

LibraryThing and misc...

Well, it seems like an obvious match--social networking and books. I'll have to say that, for me, this is the first one of these I got very excited about. Right now, my main emphasis is on organizing my own library--this is actually a great idea. Just put in the title and LibraryThing looks all the rest of the info up for you. I opted for LibraryThing, as opposed to Great Reads, because, to tell the truth, the "hype" on Librarything was irresistible. But I was at TC last night and heard a young (YAAB) member enthuse over Holly C's "'way cool" book list from Great I'm sure they're both great.
The other thing I'm cautiously curious about is seeing if my rather odd assortment of book interests appeal to anyone else out there in LibraryThing-land. Is there anyone else who has Tolkein along with Nora Roberts(!)? Francine Rivers and "The Art of Dressage" (equestrian education)? Guess we'll see.
The value of these sites to anyone working with Readers Advisory should be obvious, as proven by Holly C. and her young friend. And you can form online book-discussion groups, which could also be a lot of fun, especially if you can't get to such things in the real-world.

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